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Alabama Hair Transplant

Natural looking hair restoration, the latest proven techniques

Birmingham, Alabama • 205-980-1744

Hair Transplants » Patient Instructions

Hair Transplant Patient Instructions

These patient instructions are for Alabama Hair Transplant patients who have undergone a hair transplant with Dr. Hedden in Birmingham, Alabama. Please contact our office at (205) 980-1744 or 1-800-433-3366 if you have any questions about your care.

Pre-Surgery Patient Instructions

  1. You will be provided with pre- and post-operative instructions prior to your hair transplant. Please review all instructions and personally ask our physicians or staff if there is anything you don't understand.
  2. Discontinue the use of aspirin, ibuprofen, arthritis medications or vitamins 7 days prior to surgery and 3 days afterward. These medications are known to thin the blood and could result in excessive bleeding during surgery. Non-aspirin pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) may be used during this time.
  3. Avoid alcoholic beverages for 7 days prior to your hair transplant procedure. Alcohol may thin the blood and cause excessive bleeding during surgery.
  4. Make sure you have an ice pack ready for post-operative use to decrease swelling.
  5. Wash your hair on the morning of your hair transplant. Do not use hair spray.
  6. We recommend that you have a normal breakfast or lunch prior to hair transplant surgery. Patients who undergo the procedure with an empty stomach sometimes experience nausea or lightheadedness.
  7. When you come in to the office, bring a loose-fitting cap and wear a shirt that buttons in the front.
  8. Make sure you have someone to drive you home if IV sedation is to be used during your hair transplant procedure.
  9. Please inform the office at least one week in advance if you will not be able to keep your surgical appointment.
  10. If you have questions about your hair transplant procedure, your pre- or post-operative instructions or the use of any medication, please call the offices of Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery at (205) 980-1744 or 1-800-433-3366.

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Post-Surgery Patient Instructions

  1. You will be provided with pre- and post-operative instructions prior to your hair transplant. Please review all instructions and personally ask our physicians or staff if there is anything you don't understand.
  2. Discontinue the use of aspirin, ibuprofen, arthritis medications or vitamins for 3 days after surgery, as well as 7 days before. These medications are known to thin the blood and could result in excessive bleeding. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or prescribed pain medication may be used for pain or a headache.
  3. Avoid alcoholic beverages for 3 days after your hair transplant procedure. Alcohol may thin the blood and cause excessive bleeding.
  4. Refrain from exercise, bending over or lifting for at least 3 days after hair transplant surgery and refrain from weightlifting or other vigorous physical activities for a week or more. Failure to do so can cause bleeding, damage to the transplanted hair follicles or increased swelling.
  5. Avoid swimming in water that contains chlorine for at least a week after surgery.
  6. Do not wash the transplant site for 24 hours after the procedure. After this time, you may wash your hair by lathering shampoo in your hand and gently applying it to your hair. Use cool water with light water pressure to rinse. Blow dryers should be used on a cool setting. Normal shampooing may be resumed 5 days after surgery.
  7. After leaving the shower, apply light pressure to the head with a towel or gauze pad to absorb any blood present at the transplant sites.
  8. Scabs will form at the hair transplant sites 24 to 72 hours after surgery before falling off a few days later. Do not scratch or pick at the scabs to avoid infection or damage to the transplants. To decrease the formation of scabs, carefully apply a thick moisturizing conditioner each day, letting it remain on the hair for 5 minutes and then rinsing gently.
  9. Minor bleeding may occur at the transplant sites. If so, use a moist, clean cloth to apply light pressure to the bleeding for 5 to 10 minutes (being careful to avoid disrupting surrounding transplants).
  10. Any swelling that occurs is usually painless. Swelling may appear on the forehead and around the eyes 2 to 3 days after surgery before subsiding spontaneously after a couple of days. Apply ice packs to swollen areas for 3 days, 10 minutes per hour, to decrease swelling. Do not place the ice pack directly to the transplant sites — instead, apply the ice pack to the forehead. In the donor area, place the ice pack on a gauze pad before applying. For the first few days, sleep with your head and upper body elevated with pillows or in a recliner.
  11. We recommend that GraftCyte be used to spray both the transplant sites and the donor region four to six times a day for at least a week after surgery to accelerate the healing process.
  12. Ingrown hairs may appear as small bumps or pimples several weeks or later after surgery. If this occurs, apply a warm washcloth or compress for 10 minutes, three times a day. Please contact our office if there is no relief after 3 days or if the area becomes tender, inflamed or swollen.
  13. If you use minoxidil (Rogaine), discontinue for 4 days after surgery.
  14. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled for a week to 10 days after your hair transplant surgery to remove sutures and check the surgical sites.
  15. If you have questions about your hair transplant procedure, your pre- or post-operative instructions or the use of any medication, please call the offices of Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery at (205) 980-1744 or 1-800-433-3366.

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