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Alabama Hair Transplant

Natural looking hair restoration, the latest proven techniques

Birmingham, Alabama • 205-980-1744

Hair Transplants » Hair Transplant Candidates

Hair Transplant Candidates

Most people who suffer from hair loss are good candidates for hair transplantation. Androgenetic Alopecia is a genetic condition which accounts for at least 90% of hair loss in both men and women. Hair transplants can help those with this inherited condition restore the frontal hairline and fill thinning or balding areas with natural-looking, growing hair. Patients with hair loss from other causes, or who want to improve the appearance of the plug grafts used in older technology, can also benefit from a hair transplant.

Good candidates for hair transplants are motivated to improve their appearance, patient enough to wait from 6 months to a year or more for optimal results and realistic in their expectations as to what can be achieved. Some people are better candidates for a hair transplant than others and may see more dramatic results. Natural hair tendencies such as hair color, hair texture and scalp laxity (flexibility) are all factors that can affect the final result.

Man with Androgenetic Alopecia
Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common reason people lose their hair
Man after hair transplant
Hair transplants are a life-long solution for hair loss

The experienced Hair Transplant Surgeons at Alabama Hair Transplant design a custom hair restoration program for each patient based on the availability of loss-resistant donor follicles on the back and sides of the head, the current and projected future pattern of hair loss and the patient's general health. Using today's state-of-the-art hair transplant technique of Follicular Unit Transplantation, our surgeons strive to create natural results with a balanced and uniform appearance that are virtually undetectable to anything but the closest scrutiny.

When designing a hair transplant procedure, our goal is to duplicate as closely as possible the patient's natural hair pattern. By placing transplanted hair follicles in the proper angle and direction and adding density to areas of balding or thinning hair, hair transplants performed at our Birmingham, Alabama hair transplant center can restore an attractive hairline that looks as if it were nature's own work.

Balding man with donor region indicated
The best hair transplant candidates have an ample supply of donor hair
Man and woman with balding and thinning hair
At Alabama Hair Transplant, a custom hair restoration plan is created for each patient

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